Incredible – its incredible to see flocks of turquoise, red & yellow birds flying overhead in a noisy confusion.
Crying back and forth as they soar by.
How can they possibly exist? – so exotic – so show offish.
8 or 10 of them- streamlined, starling sized birds swooping by.
Its only when I found them calmly described with their habitat, migration routes and population that I could really believe what I'd seen, European Bee-eaters (Merops apiaster).
They really do exist.
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quelle chance ! jamais vu ces petites bêtes sauf dans les livres...
Rédigé par : aude | 28/07/2005 à 11:09
Profitant du guêpier dans lequel je viens de me fourrer, mille bises d'un Poitou orageux, mais paisible.
Rédigé par : JCP | 29/07/2005 à 12:07