Tomatillos steamed in marjoram served with soya sauce (He-She-Ho).
Pick your tomatillos not too ripe, as soon as they come off the plant easily. Steam for 4 minutes after adding a pinch of marjoram to the water (adjust your cooking time to their size, they should stay quite firm. If you leave them too long you end up with mush).
Serve immediately with a good japonese soya sauce. (ex. Yamato). Don't make too many, serve delicately. Prefer chop sticks.
Its a light hors d'oeuvre best served with a warm & tasty saké (Midnight Moon by Meibo Yowano Tsuki) The tomatillo is a relatively boring vegetable with a moon-like face. Eat it at night when the sky is clear and the moon low.
Note : this physallis grows easily in the mediteranean though you're not likely to find them at any european market