(Photo LOF - Violets de Provence artichokes wondering what could have happened to their friend who left at 11:45)
How to describe the pleasure of eating the first artichokes of the season, fresh from the garden, cooked in white wine. Is it possible? Have we reached the limit of communication ?
Not to be beaten I will describe it to you, because this experience can be reproduced ! yes !
(Photo LOF - Violets de Provence Artichokes cooked in white wine)
Its important to understand that its April - the first warm days of the season at noon, full of light, blue sky where everyone looks for a little shade to sit and look at the countryside with a cool drink.
We don't saunter in the garden but quickly pick a few little violet artichokes, peel them as if they were apples and cut them in half.
Toss them in a pot with about 2cm of dry white wine, 2 cloves of garlic, a sprinkle of salt and a tbsp of olive oil.
Cook for 6-7 minutes so that they still have a little crunch.
Let cool.
Go ahead.
Thats really something !
So you've just discovered that if there is a limit in being able to describe it there is no limit in being able to do it.
(Photo LOF - Artichokes)