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Ok... I'll bite (somebody's got to). Why is there a picture of Aprodite's belly button?

The combava salt is a neat idea, by the way. I will certainly use it (next time my potted combava fruit, that is). Reminds me a little bit of a "rougail combava" a a side dish served on Reunion Isaland, made by mashing combava rind, salt & hot chili peppers.

well I was sincerely hoping no one would bite but here goes... according to Greek cosmology (study of the universe and humanity's place in it)in the beginning there was beauty (aphrodite) who by coming in contact with different elements creates desire (Eros)from there on in it gets a little complicated.
In the beginning you have the tomato, then salt and olive oil which attracts, here oregano, there basil - or kaffir lime ! The second explanation is that we had already eaten the tomatoes with mozzerella.

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